Antonio Han Risianto:

Born Amsterdam, grew up in the United States (San Francisco) . Graduated from UC Berkeley (Master of Architecture) , continuing Post Masters on Urban Settlement Design at M.I.T.).

Worked for 5 years as a licensed Californian Contractor and Estate Developer on fixer upper and small scale Condonimum development in the San Francisco Bay Area and moved to Indonesia in 1985 (and for the past 12 years living in Bali) .

Started a Construction Management/ Architecture/ Urban Design mid size firm (See Blog: Triaco & Associates). Working on both “commercial” architecture/planning as well as “social” poverty alleviation and environmental related projects (See Blog: Barefoot Architects & People’s Architecture).

Off and on teaching & lecturing & conducting workshops at several local Universities and abroad , specifically on Housing and Eco-Village Design & Development and Social Architecture .

Occationally working with various International Development Agencies (World Bank, Asian Development Bank, United Nations, other Humanitarian Non Profit Organizations / NGO’s. Involved on several advisory teams for the various National/ Local Government agencies, specifically on humanitarian and environmental programs (Recently ,among others , on the efforts of the Tsunami & Earthquake reconstructions works in Aceh and Yogya).

On the side doing small scale estate development projects in Bali and expanding to larger midsize projects.